In 2016, supported by the Murie Science and Learning Center Research Grants Program, botany staff partnered with Dr. Jedediah Brodie from the University of Montana to acquire dozens more historical images to relocate and rephotograph. Many of these photos come from the collection of Joseph Dixon, one of the first scientists to work in Denali, active during the 1920s and 30s.
One goal of continued repeat photography work is to examine land cover changes in Denali by measuring how the vegetation patterns revealed in historical photographs differ from those of the present. For example, image analysis and statistical modeling of change between paired photographs may help to improve understanding of which environmental conditions (e.g., topography, soils, and disturbance) govern tree and shrub expansion.
Continued study of this valuable repeat photo catalog will help resource managers predict how the changing distributions of major ecosystem types in the park may influence habitat availability, distribution, and population structure of birds and mammals. Browse the most recent photo pairs below.